This tutorial should give you a basic idea how to use the CorEngine GUI system.
Step 1: Getting the tutorial resources
[] contains the images and the font which we will be using in this tutorial.
Step 2: Extracting the tutorials resources
The tutorial resource package contains a folder called resources.
Copy and paste that folder to the folder where you have your CorEngine
Developmet Kit.
Step 3: Setting up init.lua
For this tutorials base init.lua, we will use just a simple
script that creates a gui and run the engine. We don't need a level in this
tutorial, so we don't load a one.
gui1 = Create.Gui()
Engine.SetGui( gui1 )
while ( Engine.Run() == true ) do
We create a regular GUI with Create.Gui() and set it as the
current GUI with Engine.SetGui(). Always remember to set the gui which
you create if you want to use it.
Step 4: Adding a picture
First, we will create just a picture that does nothing. Lets use the
CorEngine logo for that!
gui1 = Create.Gui()
Engine.SetGui( gui1 )
-- Create the CorEngine logo
picture1 = Create.Picture( gui1, "Logo", 0, 0, "resources/powered.png" )
Picture.SetScale( picture1, 0.2, 0.2 )
size = Gui.GetObjectSize( picture1 )
Gui.SetObjectPosition( picture1,
Context.GetWindowWidth() - size.x - 2, Context.GetWindowHeight() - size.y - 2 )
while ( Engine.Run() == true ) do
If you are wondering about the line -- Create the CorEngine logo,
it is just a comment line for documentation purposes. It doesn't get
First we load a texture for the picture with
Create.TextureFromFile. Most GUI elements use textures, so you'll
be using this function quite often. Next we create the picture and set its
texture. Then we set the picures position with
Gui.SetObjectPosition to the upper right corner of the sceen. The
Set/GetGuiObject* functions can be called for any GUI object
You might wonder what are we doing with the
Gui.GetObjectSize(pic).x part. We are getting the GUI object
size, which is a vector of two elements, x (width) and y (height). Then we
get the .x element straight away. Another way would be to store the size to
some variable, like this: size = Gui.GetObjectSize(pic) and then
access the width with size.x, like this:
Gui.SetObjectPosition(pic, Context.GetWindowWidth()-size.x, 0), but
since we aren't going to use the size anywhere else, we just accessed it
straight away.
Oh, and just to be sure, the Gui.SetObjectPosition takes the gui
object as the first argument, the x position as the second, and the y
position as the last. The x and y position are counted from the upper left
corner of the gui element.
The last thing we do, is adding the picture to the gui with
Otherwise it won't display.
If everything went well, you should be seeing the CorEngine logo. If not,
check your code and the console/ConEngine.log for errors.
Step 5: Adding a label
Now we will add a label that displays the FPS to the GUI.
gui1 = Create.Gui()
Engine.SetGui( gui1 )
-- Create the CorEngine logo
picture1 = Create.Picture( gui1, "Logo", 0, 0, "resources/powered.png" )
Picture.SetScale( picture1, 0.2, 0.2 )
size = Gui.GetObjectSize( picture1 )
Gui.SetObjectPosition( picture1,
Context.GetWindowWidth() - size.x - 2, Context.GetWindowHeight() - size.y - 2 )
-- Add a label
font1 = Create.FontFromFile( "resources/freesans.ttf", 12 )
label1 = Create.Label( gui1, "FPSLabel", 10, 10, "FPS: 0" )
Label.SetFont( label1, font1 )
while ( Engine.Run() == true ) do
Label.SetText( label1, "FPS: " .. Engine.GetFps() )
First we load the font we are going to use for the label. Only True Type
font's are supported at the moment. The first parameter
Create.FontFromFile is the file path to the font, and the second
is the preferred size of the font.
Next we create our label, set the font, set the text and set its position.
Then we add the label to the gui. The last thing we do, is updating the
text of the label on each frame in the while loop.
Step 6: Some more GUI elements
Now that you have the basic hang of GUI elements, I'll show you some
snippets of code for setting up more GUI elements. The codes are not full
init.lua scripts, but just small parts of the code which you can
add/remove/write yourself.
First some buttons.
-- Add exit button
exbtexoff = Create.TextureFromFile( "ExitOff", "resources/dsbexitoff.png" )
exbtexover = Create.TextureFromFile( "ExitOver", "resources/dsbexitover.png" )
exbtexon = Create.TextureFromFile( "ExitOn", "resources/dsbexiton.png" )
exb = Create.Button( gui1, "ExitButton", 10, 30, 0, 0, "Exit" )
Button.SetOffTexture ( exb, exbtexoff )
Button.SetOverTexture( exb, exbtexover )
Button.SetOnTexture ( exb, exbtexon )
exscr = Create.Script( "ExitScript" )
Script.SetText( exscr, "Engine.Quit()" )
Gui.SetObjectScript( exb, exscr )
Buttons have three textures. One for when the mouse is off the
button, one for when the mouse is on the button and one for when the
mouse is clicking or on the button. We load all of them,
create the button, set the textures and set the position of the texture.
Now we would like the button to do something, so we create a script for it.
Then we set the script text to "Engine.Quit()", the quit function in the API.
You could also load and external script with
Create.ScriptFromFile if you wanted. We attach the script to the
button and add the button to the GUI.
Next we move to check boxes
-- Create a check box
cbtexoff = Create.TextureFromFile( "CheckOff", "resources/dscboff.png" )
cbtexon = Create.TextureFromFile( "CheckOn", "resources/dscbon.png" )
cb = Create.CheckBox( gui1, "MyCheckBox", 52, 30, false )
CheckBox.SetOffTexture( cb, cbtexoff )
CheckBox.SetOnTexture ( cb, cbtexon )
The check box only has on and off textures. We load the textures, create
the check box, set the textures, set the position and add the check box to
the GUI.
Lastly we study some text fields.
-- Add text field
font1 = Create.FontFromFile( "resources/freesans.ttf", 12 )
txbxtex = Create.TextureFromFile( "TextFieldTex", "resources/dstxbx.png" )
txf = Create.TextField( gui1, "MyTextField", 82, 30, 100, "Some text..." )
TextField.SetFont ( txf, font1 )
TextField.SetTexture( txf, txbxtex )
TextField.SetOffset ( txf, 4, 1 )
First we load the font and the background texture for the text field.
Then we create the text field, set its font, set its texture and text.
Next we set the text field offset. Whats that? The text field offset is the
offset the text in the text field will be displayed against the text field
background. Most likely, the text won't be aligned in the center of the
background by default, so with the TextField.SetOffset function,
you can adjust the offset yourself.
Lastly we set the position of the text field and add it to our GUI.
Step 7: GUI element scripts and events
When we created the button in an earlier step, you might have noticed
that we set a script for it. You can assign a script for any GUI element,
and the script will be called if the gui element invokes GUI events. In the
buttons case, the script gets called each time the button is clicked. But
this is not the case with some other GUI elements.
Text fields invoke the script each time they are activated, a character is
inputted to them, and when they are deactivated. How to find out which
event is going on? The current event of a gui object can be accessed with
Gui.GetObjectEvent. For example, if a text field was clicked, and it
became active, you would check for it with
if ( Gui.GetObjectEvent(me) == GAIN_FOCUS ) then ... end
in the text fields script.
Here is a list of event types for different GUI element:
Buttons - CLICKED
Check boxes - STATE_CHANGED
Thats it! I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, and if you have any comments
about it, please post to the